Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sweetening Up Teddy

April 28, 2010
Nibs wants to buy an old-fashioned car. So this morning he took Teddy to The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in Beverly Hills to break the news to her.

He started off slowly, first telling her to go crazy by ordering the most chocolaty thing on the menu.

Next he made her giggle by showing her these cute bear mugs. One for her...

...and one for him. Teddy was thrilled with the bear faces.

Teddy was at her weakest moment when her Mocha Ice Blended arrived. That's when Nibs told Teddy he's going to splurge on a classic.

All Teddy said was, "Cool." Nibs isn't sure if she heard him right. But he's going with it.


  1. What type of classic should Nibs buy?

  2. Was Teddy referring to the drink or to Nibs' idea? ;-)

  3. The cute bear mugs say 'mama' and 'papa.' Do Teddy and Nibs have any cubs?
