Friday, April 30, 2010

Learning Spanish

April 30, 2010
Teddy is so excited about her getaway South Of The Border that she's already perusing Learn Spanish the Fast and Fun Way (Fast & Fun) from Barron's Publishing.

First she must remember all the words for breakfast. Panaderia is bakery and cafe con leche is coffee with milk.

Also, she must learn how to converse while shopping. Comprar is to buy and bolsa means purse.

Teddy's set!


April 30, 2010
This morning over breakfast Nibs broached the subject of taking a vacation together.

A VACATION?! Teddy said yes immediately.

Nibs suggested Playa Del Carmen in Mexico and said they should go this weekend because he got a good deal on a resort.

Teddy almost fell off her chair. After Nibs left, Teddy sat around sipping her coffee to think this over.

What does Nibs have up his sleeve? Is he still trying to sweeten her up so she'll let him park that wreck in their driveway? If so, his ploy is working!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nibs Is Really Trying To Sweeten Teddy

April 29, 2010
That Nibs! Last night he surprised Teddy with a bouquet of mixed roses, her favorite.

He must really want that wreck, thought Teddy. First the Ice Blended Mocha, now the flowers. Let's see what Nibs does next!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sweetening Up Teddy

April 28, 2010
Nibs wants to buy an old-fashioned car. So this morning he took Teddy to The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in Beverly Hills to break the news to her.

He started off slowly, first telling her to go crazy by ordering the most chocolaty thing on the menu.

Next he made her giggle by showing her these cute bear mugs. One for her...

...and one for him. Teddy was thrilled with the bear faces.

Teddy was at her weakest moment when her Mocha Ice Blended arrived. That's when Nibs told Teddy he's going to splurge on a classic.

All Teddy said was, "Cool." Nibs isn't sure if she heard him right. But he's going with it.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nibs Wants A Wreck

April 27, 2010
Call it a mid-life crisis or call it just being a male. But Nibs wants to buy a vintage automobile. This morning he saw this classic black beauty on his way to an appointment.

It's in good shape. Nibs wondered if the owner would want to sell.

What would Teddy think? She might not be too happy to have an oldie in their driveway.

With all Nibs puts up with from Teddy (hello? After her last blowup he was forced to fly to San Francisco!) he thinks she should allow him to splurge on a second car.

Hmmm... something to contemplate.

Monday, April 26, 2010

And Another Thing...

April 26, 2010
The chic style in Breakfast at Tiffany's is overwhelmingly incredible. How can a woman look so consistently good? Notice Holly's to-die-for sunglasses. Teddy wants a pair. Like, now.

There there's Holly's hats. Even her chapeau is accessorized... with a scarf!

Teddy's favorite outfit was, surprisingly, this red coat number. There's nothing like a good winter coat, says Teddy. Of course she does. She already has one on! And she wears it every day. That Teddy.

What's your favorite Breakfast At Tiffany's ensemble?

Teddy's Movie Weekend

April 26, 2010
This weekend Teddy was struck down with a nasty cold so she stayed indoors and watched about a dozen movies, her favorite being the 1961 classic Breakfast At Tiffany's - Paramount Centennial Collection (Mastered in High Definition).

Teddy loved Audrey Hepburn's charming Holly Golightly because they have so much in common. For instance, they both wear eye pillows to bed and they both sleep in past noon.

But unlike Holly, Teddy doesn't have man trouble. You see, Holly wants to find a rich husband. That's why she dates this dashing Brazilian named Jose. But Teddy already has a rich husband: Nibs!

In the end Holly settles for Paul Varjak, her neighbor who writes magazine articles and books. She also keeps her cat. Nice ending, but Teddy always wonders: Can Holly settle for the simple life? Or will she go back to hanging out with dangerous men like Sally Tomato?

Teddy wishes there could be a sequel, but the writer who came up with the original story, Truman Capote, is long gone. Too bad.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back in L.A... And Hungry

April 22, 2010
This morning Teddy woke up in her own bed. It felt good to be back in L.A. But Teddy could not face her kitchen. So she went to Ugo in Culver City for some much needed sustenance.

Ugo has a wonderful selection of pastries. Teddy managed to use her will power to stay away from them. After all, it's still morning!

What to order? Teddy wanted the waffles, but remembered she should try to be a little healthy today.

Ugo's coffee is outstanding. Almost as good as Rulli's.

Teddy was so pleased with herself for choosing eggs, wheat toast and fruit. Nibs would be proud. Uh-oh. Where's Nibs? Oops. Teddy left him at home by accident.

She better bring him home some breakfast. That Teddy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cafe Rulli Stop

April 21, 2010
Yup, their flight was delayed. Must be all that traffic over Europe due to the Icelandic volcanic activity that is slowing flights. To keep Teddy from having a freak out, Nibs stopped by the airport's Cafe Rulli for some treats.

Rulli's coffee is spectacular! No kidding. Nibs can never decide whether to get a small, medium or large. He's grateful, though, that they don't use those pretentious other names for sizes like Venti, Grande, etc. Nibs hates that. This is America! Use S, M or L!

Rulli offers a nice selection of pastries like chocolate croissants (a favorite of Teddy's) and cinnamon rolls (Nibs' choice).

Next time you are at SFO stop by Rulli, it's a must!

I Left My Heart...

April 21, 2010 San Francisco! Nibs couldn't help thinking of that old Frank Sinatra ditty when he hit the airport very early this morning.

Getting Teddy out of bed at 5 a.m. was no joy. She's still as grumpy as... well, as a bear.

Teddy perked up once the sun rose. She loves all the shops at SFO like Sephora and Coach. Thank goodness for retail!

Nibs hopes their flight won't be delayed.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Last Day In San Francisco

April 20, 2010
It's a sad day for the bears because it's their last day in San Francisco. Nibs took a trip across the Golden Gate Bridge to soak in the city life before heading down South.

Nibs just can't believe how many people bicycle across the bridge, which is almost two miles long. That's quite a trek especially considering all that wind they have to cycle against.

He also can't believe the bridge toll is a whopping $6. Nibs' pal Berit told him that the toll is so high because the city uses the money not just for maintaining the bridge, but they also fund Bay Area buses and ferries. Go figure!

What should Nibs do on his last day in San Fran?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Palace Of Fine Arts

April 19, 2010
Last night, just as the sun was setting in San Francisco, Teddy and Nibs visited the Palace of Fine Arts in the Marina.

Teddy remembers the Palace from a scene in her favorite movie, Vertigo. It's where Jimmy Stewart's and Kim Novak's characters go for a walk on one of their strange dates.

The Palace was built in 1915 for the Panama-Pacific Exposition. The architectural design is borrowed from traditional Greek and Roman buildings. Pretty!

In the 1960s the Palace was refurbished and polished up. The Exploratorium, which is a science museum, was added later.

The Palace is home to lots of critters: Teddy spied turtles, swans, ducks and butterflies near the lake.

Teddy and Nibs have really been enjoying their San Francisco trip. Too bad it has to end soon. Weep weep.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Umami For Me!

April 16, 2010
With Teddy suffering from a chocolate hangover after her three dessert lunch yesterday, Nibs ventured out solo for a sushi dinner in San Francisco. Umami, just off Union Street, is one of the best Japanese restaurants in the city.

The menu was too varied! So Nibs asked the waitress for recommendations.

He settled on a Shrimp Tempura Roll and a bowl of Yellow Tail sashimi.

Bears love fish, but Teddy and Nibs try to not eat too much of it because the oceans are being over fished! Once a week is all they'll do.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hike In The Headlands

April 15, 2010
Nibs is back in the Bay Area. The weather is so sunshiny sensational, Nibs suggested to Teddy that they take a brisk hike in the Marin Headlands.

Teddy isn't a big fan of exercise but she agreed to go along with it, as long as they could enjoy a lunch break that included multiple desserts.

That Teddy! Always thinking about sweets.