Monday, September 21, 2009

Nibs Needs Rest

September 21, 2009
Nibs came down with a slight fever this morning. Teddy played Florence Nightingale, getting Nibs an ice bag and taking his temperature, but it didn't help much. Finally Teddy told Nibs to just spend the day in bed and rest! Mondays are always hard, but this has been an especially difficult Monday for poor Nibs. How will Teddy spend her day alone?


  1. yes, Teddy did make Nibs breakfast and made sure he had lots of water by his bedside...

  2. Nibs better get all the rest he can. Swine fluis going around and it should be taken seriously. Did Nibs get his flu shots? He better take it easy this week.

  3. Poor Nibs! I hope Teddy is taking good care of him... maybe some chicken soup would help

  4. or salmon soup... what do bears like to eat?
