Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Islands Experience

September 15, 2009
The other night Nibs insisted he and Teddy dine at Islands, which Teddy took to be Nibs' version of severe punishment for Teddy. You see, Nibs was not happy that he had to wait over two hours for Teddy while she shopped her heart out at Forever 21 and he most likely wanted to get back at her by dragging her to Islands, which Nibs knows very well Teddy hates with a passion. Teddy thinks Islands is overpriced mediocre American/Mexican food that is housed in some bizarre Hawaiian-themed hut-like place. While Nibs slurped up his frozen Coca-Cola beverage giddily, Teddy tried her hardest to enjoy her 5,000 calorie cheese quesadilla (it's the only thing on the menu she can stand). Poor Teddy! Sometimes she's forced to suffer... weep weep.


  1. Poor Nibs, let him have his burger and fries in peace. Teddy can't always go to Tiffany's every day. Sometimes she has to slum it with Nibs. That's marriage!

  2. I disagree. Teddy shouldn't have to suffer with fattening, overprocessed filler food like the kind u find at Islands. Completely unacceptable!

  3. that quesadilla is good and Teddy knows it so she should be happy. don't tell me she didn't enjoy her meal!!!

  4. this is the best blog I have seen in years. Teddy is adorable. I agree with teddy. She shouldn't have to eat at Islands. But then again, Nibs puts up with a lot too!

  5. Nibs is very handsome, by the way, Teddy is a lucky girl!

  6. where is this one, the one the bears went to?

  7. But isn't a quesadilla a bit like an inside-out pizza? And we know how Teddy loves pizza!
