Monday, September 28, 2009

Nibs Gets His Vitamins

September 28, 2009
Nibs has not been getting enough vitamins lately. When a friend told him about Robeks Juice, which makes smoothies from nonfat yogurt and fresh fruit, he thought that would be a fun way to get healthy. When Nibs got to the Robeks in Culver City he was bombarded with questions by the staff after ordering a simple Berry smoothie. Did he want protein powder? Sure. A wheat grass shot? Yup. Some herbal extracts? OK. Nibs walked out feeling like Mr. Healthy. Teddy would be so proud!


  1. Why are Teddy and Nibs not spending that much time together these days????

  2. how many calories is that smoothie?

  3. Robeks is the best. It's sooooooooooooo healthy

  4. I think Nibs should have picked one up for Teddy... or did he? The Berry smoothie is the best

  5. I love that Americans get their vitamins from a shake! They make it so fun...

  6. this is the BEST blog ever. I just discovered it and I love it. So cute and original. Now I get to see what L.A. is really like thru the eyes of Teddy and Nibs

  7. i never would think u could get that many vitamins from a smoothie... why not just take vitamins?

  8. i have a question: do they also use vegetables like carrots? because I like vegetable drinks

  9. hmmm... i have never been there. may try it now :)
