Wednesday, May 30, 2012

One Coin In A Fountain

May 30, 2012
The wedding date is set. Teddy is nervous. Can she pull off another wedding, one that is even more fabulous than Fopsie and Herbert's? Teddy went to the Beverly Canon Gardens for comfort.
Nibs has always told Teddy to throw a coin in a fountain when she needed a wish fulfilled.
"Please let me handle Felicia's wedding well and without any drama from my parents," Teddy said before she threw in her coin.
Teddy hopes her wish comes true. She really doesn't want her fur to fall out again.


  1. Wow! I just found your blog randomly and it is beyond adorable!!! This is such a wonderful site!!! I love Teddy & Nibs!! Keep up the great work!! :D

  2. What happened to Teddy? Did she fall in? I think we better send out an APB for a missing bear.
