Nibs has been so concerned about Teddy's comeback obsession that he demanded she see a shrink. The therapist recommended Teddy rent the 1950 film Sunset Boulevard which told the story of a faded silent screen star who tried too hard to relaunch her career.
Norma Desmond, played by real-life silent star Gloria Swanson, isn't getting any scripts of her own so she pens one herself. She hires Joe Gillis, played by William Holden, to polish the story.
Norma asks Joe to move in to her mansion on, you guessed it, Sunset Boulevard, and lavishes him in luxury as her dutiful assistant Max Von Mayerling, played by Erich von Stronheim, looks on.
Things get weird when Norma tries to romance Joe, who is about 20 years her junior.
When he pushes away from her, Norma slits her wrists and nearly dies.
This whole time, Joe has been crushing on movie studio script reader Betty Schaefer, played by Nancy Olson...
there's more, look for the next post!!!